1. Test your Bios and decide your approach
If, for some reason, you do not wish to use rely on bypassing a BIOS error, look at the Cinderella BIOS links to check how to physically upgrade the hardware Bios (see http:/www.cinderella.co.za/bios.htm)
2. Never allow your machine to set back to 1980 Why?
- put a "protector" in the autoexec.bat file
Use SLUG2000 from ftp://www.cinderella.co.za/pub/slug2000.zip
YEAR2000.EXE from http://www.Rightime.com
3. Set Windows to yyyy-MM-dd
(see http://www.cinderella.co.za/newsflas.txt)
4. Apply appropriate Patches
(see http://www.cinderella.co.za/cindpat.htm)
5. Change the defaults in your Office Software, Spreadsheets and databases to use 4 digit years.
6. Change your existing spreadsheets and databases to use YYYY-MM-DD.
7. Check the Applications you use, using a Formal set
of Test Criteria.
(see http://www.cinderella.co.za/criteria.txt)
If they do not work Acceptably, replace them.