The CSSA/PMI Y2k SIG WG2 COTS group is starting to make significant progress. At their last meeting the formal definition for setting up Windows was minuted. 10.1 Formal definition of full ISO8601 date/time standards for setting up system for Windows: 10.2 Short date: yyyy-MM-dd (Note the "-" not "/" and the caps (dd=day, MM-month) 10.3 Long date: dd MMMM yyyy (e.g. 21 January 1998) (Note 4xM and not 3xM) 10.4 Time: HH:mm:ss (Note the HH for 24 hour clock, and not hh which indicates AM/PM reference) The group have also adopted a 47 point set of Test Criteria, and are doing further work on formal Testing procedures, using the IEEE PD2000.2 draft standard as a base. The draft Glossary of terms can be seen at: Those interested in assisting in the formal testing process, or in joining this group, can contact me at