Minimum Patch List Last Update on 11 February 1998 Download the latest intraNetWare/NetWare Clients and other Novell products from Novell Technical Support recommends applying these updates as a baseline. For a complete listing of all available updates for these products, or for older products not listed, see the Knowledgebase or File Finder of the Support Connection web site. intraNetWare & NetWare v4.11 IWSP4a.EXE intraNetWare Support Pack v4.0 24OCT1997 LIBUPF.EXE Updated modular CLIB and DSAPI 7JAN1998 DS411h.EXE DS411h.EXE; NDS for intraNetWare Update 5FEB1998 PIWSP4.EXE intraNetWare Support Pack v4.0 - Portuguese 20JAN1998 FIWSP4.EXE intraNetWare Support Pack v4.0 - French 21JAN1998 IIWSP4.EXE intraNetWare Support Pack v4.0 - Italian 20JAN1998 GIWSP4.EXE intraNetWare Support Pack v4.0 - German 21JAN1998 SIWSP4.EXE intraNetWare Support Pack v4.0 - Spanish 20JAN1998 411Y2KP1.EXE NetWare 4.11 Year 2000 Fixes 9JAN1998 DSKDRV.EXE 3rd Party Disk Driver Kit 23JUN1997 LANDRV.EXE 3rd Party LAN Driver Kit 23JUN1997 NetWare year 2000 Updates 411Y2KP1.EXE NetWare 4.11 Year 2000 Fixes 9JAN1998 312Y2KP2.EXE NetWare 3.12 Year 2000 Fixes 4FEB1998 CLTY2KP1.EXE IW Client Year 2000 Fixes 9JAN1998 BorderManager BMSP1a.EXE BMSP1A.EXE, BorderManager maintenance 23JAN1998 Client Updates Latest Clients Download the lastest clients from ADM32_22.EXE Supplement for the DOS/Win 3.x & Win 95 10SEP1997 CLT511.EXE NetWare Client for MacOS v5.11 31JUL1996 MCLUPD3.BIN Supplement for NetWare Client for MacOS v5.11 24JUL1997 CLOS2N.EXE NetWare Client for OS/2 v2.12 - Network Install 21OCT1996 OS2PT1.EXE OS/2 v2.12 Client Update 14AUG1997 CLOS2D.EXE NetWare Client for OS/2 v2.12 - Diskette Install 21OCT1996 GroupWise Updates GW52SP2.EXE GroupWise 5.2 Support Pack 2 7JAN1998 GWCK32A.EXE GroupWise Check 5.2 (Win32) 24DEC1997 ManageWise Updates MW01A.EXE ManageWise 2.1 Update 2OCT1996 MWNT01A.EXE ManageWise 2.1 Windows NT Agent 19NOV1996 MWVP05A.EXE ManageWise 2.1 Virus Scan Fixes 4AUG1997 MWPTN10A.EXE ManageWise Virus Pattern File #342 15DEC1997 MWINOC01.EXE ManageWise-Cheyenne Inoculan Signature update 9JAN1998 NetWare v4.10 410PT8.EXE NetWare 4.10 Patch Kit 22JAN1998 DS410A.EXE Novell Directory Services 4FEB1997 LIBUPF.EXE Updated modular CLIB and DSAPI 7JAN1998 ODI33F.EXE Lan Drivers 12JAN1998 STRTL6.EXE STREAMS.NLM- TLI.NLM- SPXS.NLM- IPXS.NLM 14NOV1997 CDUP5.EXE CDROM.NLM and supporting files 13NOV1997 SRVMN1.EXE SERVMAN.NLM 23AUG1996 INS224.EXE INSTALL.NLM v2.24 1MAR1996 SBACK6.EXE SBACKUP.NLM and supporting files 26JUN1996 SMSUP6.EXE SMS Functions Updated 31JAN1997 NWAMN2.EXE NWADMIN.EXE 19JUL1996 PS4X03.EXE Print Server 23JAN1996 PU4X03.EXE Print Utilities 2MAY1995 MPR31B.EXE NetWare Multiprotocol Router 28OCT1996 IPX65f.EXE IPX Upgrade for NetWare 3.1x, 4.1x 25NOV1997 MACPT3D.EXE NetWare for Macintosh 10JUL1997 NAM41c.EXE Macintosh and OS/2 Name Space 6OCT1997 Communications and Protocols NWC206.EXE NetWare Connect 2 Maintenance 23JAN1998 NWC207.EXE NetWare Connect 2 Maintenance 18NOV1996 NWC208.EXE NetWare Connect 2 Maintenance 24OCT1996 NWCMOD.EXE NW Connect Modem Script 22JUL1997 W2N211.EXE WIN2NCS v2.11 27MAY1997 WS310D.EXE Web Server 3.x Patch rev D 5DEC1997 NIPW22.EXE NetWare IP v2.2 Workstation Release 5MAR1996 NIP202.EXE NetWare IP v2.2 24MAY1997 TCPN04A.EXE TCP/IP for NetWare 3.12 and 4.x 25SEP1997 DHCP21o.EXE DHCP Server v2.10 28JAN1998 SAAPATCH.TXT Readme for SAAPATCH.TXT 14NOV1997 Tools CFGRD5.EXE NetWare Config Reader v2.5 18SEP1997 DSRIGHT2.EXE DS Rights v1.0 2MAY1997 CHTREE1.EXE Change Tree v1.0 16JUN1997 SCHCMP2.EXE Schema Compare Utility v1.0 5DEC1997 COPYNLM3.EXE Copy NLM v1.7a 31OCT1997 CRONNLM4.EXE CRONNLM4.EXE; CRON.NLM Server Utility v1.05 15DEC1997 TBACK2.EXE TBackup Utility Beta 2 3NOV1997 TBOX4.EXE TBOX4.EXE; Tools for a NetWare Server v1.08a 20JAN1998 TCOPY1.EXE Trustee Copy Beta 1 31OCT1997 CONFG7.EXE Server Configuration Information 14JUL1997 Documentation DSDOC2.EXE Novell Directory Services Document of codes 27JUN1996 HIGHUTIL.EXE Troubleshooting High Utilization for NW 4 17MAR1997 TABND2a.EXE Abend Troubleshooting Guide 14JUL1997 Updates since the 3.2 Enhancement Pack Release No Files Currently no Files available Previous Product Versions NetWare 3.11 311PTG.EXE OS Patches 11NOV1996 LIB311.EXE CLIB Update for NetWare 3.11 21AUG1997 VRP386.EXE VREPAIR Update 31JUL1997 PBURST.EXE Packet Burst Update 15JUN1994 STRTL6.EXE Readme for STRTL6.EXE 14NOV1997 MON176.EXE MONITOR.NLM v1.76 18SEP1995 NetWare 3.12 312PTC.EXE OS Patches 5FEB1998 312Y2KP2.EXE NetWare 3.12 Year 2000 Fixes 4FEB1998 LIB312.EXE CLIB Update for NetWare 3.12 25AUG1997 VRP386.EXE VREPAIR Update 31JUL1997 NAM312.EXE Name Space Update for NetWare 3.12 29OCT1996 PBURST.EXE Packet Burst Update 15JUN1994 STRTL6.EXE Readme for STRTL6.EXE 14NOV1997 GroupWise 4.1 NGWAUP.EXE NWAdmin Integration Snapin Update (v.3) 13AUG1996 NGWLIB.EXE GroupWise 4.1c NGWLIB Update 13MAY1996 NGWSNC.EXE GroupWise NDS Synhcronization NLM 15MAR1995 NGWUPD.EXE GroupWise 4.1c NLM Message Server Update 30NOV1995 OFCK41.EXE GroupWise Ofcheck 4.1c3 Update 4SEP1996 GWUSC4.EXE Patch 4 for GroupWise 4.1a for Windows 25OCT1997 GWUSR3.EXE GroupWise 4.1a Remote Client Patch 3 28MAR1997 GWBR41.EXE GroupWise Web Browser Integration Package 12AUG1996 SMTP1.EXE SMTP MIME - Patch 1 11OCT1996 SMTP2.EXE SMTP/ MIME - Patch 2 19MAY1997 SMTP3.EXE SMTP/ MIME - Patch 3 19SEP1997 Web Server 2.5x WS251C.EXE WS251C patch file 29MAY1997 WS250C.EXE WS250C Release Kit 29MAY1997 Feedback (c) 1997 Novell, Inc.