The Country Letters
- Number 001 WARNING: This series may be damaging to your Mental Health.
- Number 002 "Of Chickens, Children and Y2k".
- Number 003 "Of Shells, and Dates and Tumbledryers."
- Number 004 "Of Gout, and Relativity and The Dangers Inherent in Sitting Down"
- Number 005 "Of Books, and Travel, and the Joys of Countrified City Life"
- Number 006 "Of Telephone Emulators, Pioneers and Insurance".
- Number 007 "Of Bugs, Domesticity and Intelligence (or Lack Therof)".
- Number 008 "Of Eggs and Ticks and Tunnel Vision".
- Number 009 "Of Foaming at the Mouth and Dinosaur Neglect".
- Number 010 "Of Happy Events and Rumbles out of Europe".
- Number 011 "Of PP, Quanta, and Stray Dogs".
- Number 012 "Of Adoption, Deadlines and Status Quo".
- Number 012a "Of Attitude, Mutual Cooperation and Drumbeats"
- Number 014 "Of Mynahs, Good Citizens and Rants"
- Number 015 "Of Shearing, Killer Cats and Phase 3"
- Number 016 "Of Ants and Fish and TV"
- Number 017 "Of Shakespeare and Caesar and Damn Rats"
- Number 018 "Of Augustus, Vanquished Intruders and Zen
- Number 019 "Of Relatives, Nomkwasi and Iatrogenesis"
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