Testing Wordperfect 5.1 for Y2k Compliance.

Procedure under DOS.

1. set date to 2000-02-29.
2. Run Wordpefect.
Setting a four digit date.

1. Select Setup - Shift-F1
2. Select Initial settings - 4
3. Select date-format - 2
You will see a screen something like this.

Date Format

Character Meaning
1 Day of the Month
2 Month (number)
3 Month (word)
4 Year (all four digits)
5 Year (last two digits)
6 Day of the Week (word)
7 Hour (24-hour clock)
8 Hour (12-hour clock)
9 Minute
0 am / pm
%,$ Used before a number, will:
Pad numbers less than 10 with a leading
zero or space
Abbreviate the month or day of the week
Examples: 1 3, 4 = 27 August, 1989
%6 1 %3, 4 = Sun 27 Aug, 1989
%1/%2/5 (6) = 27/08/89 (Sunday)
8:90 = 10:55am
Date format: 1 3 4

4. Type your selection expression for the format you require.

examples: 1 3, 4 ==> 29 February, 2000
6, 1 3, 4 ==> Tuesday, 29 February, 2000

(Yes, 2000 IS a leap year by Gregorian rules)

This means that documents created in Wordperfect 5.1 are potentially Acceptable, Index 0.

5. Exit from setup by pressing return.

6. type a few words in a document.
I used "test data". Big deal.
7. Save the file. (F7). I used test.dat for a file name.
8. List the directory. (F5). Find the "test.dat" file.
the date display as 29-02-00. Acceptable, Index 6.

CAVEAT. Users are warned to check the operation of macros that use dates.

Wordperfect running under PIF control in Windows takes the DOS date.

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